We are constantly working to improve your experience, here is a summary of what has changed.
FilterWP V.2.1.1 – 10-11-2022
- Fix: Issue with Oxygen Repeater not compatible with the previous version of FilterWP
OXygen Addon V.2.0.2 – 27-07-2022
- Fix: Issue with some users seeing scrambled text with their Oxygen repeater data
OXygen Addon V.2.0.1 – 22-06-2022
- Compatibility with Oxygen 4.0
V.2.0.2 – 22-06-2022
- Added features for drilled down categories
V.2.0.1(BETA) – 02-03-2022
- Patch for List Filtering
V.2.0(BETA) – 01-03-2022
- Multi Top Row Filtering
- Date Picker Filter
- Pills functionality updated
V.1.4.7- 30-10-2021
- Filtering for ACF relationship fields
V.1.4.6- 28-10-2021
- Added option to change clear all labels for pills.
V.1.4.5- 22-09-2021
- HotFix For broken checkboxes and icons on some font sizes.
V.1.4.4- 06-09-2021
- Added support for the multi-level category in filters
V.1.4.3- 27-08-2021
- Fixed: One column appearing for second FilterWP instance on the same page
V.1.3 Oxygen Addon
- Fixed: Special character issue inside the Oxygen Editor
V.1.4.2- 10-08-2021
- Fixed: Issue with some special characters not rendering in cards.
V.1.4.1- 10-08-2021
- Radio buttons not behaving like radios in the hierarchical filter list
- Slugs being written in the pills instead of the labels
V.1.4 – 06-08-2021
- Show Pills for your E-Commerce Filters (option to display on top or left bar)
- Make custom filtered Galleries add buttons/link Filters
- Get more control on your styling turn off FilterWP fonts (to use default theme fonts) from the settings panel
- Improvement: Updated CSS units to rem in order to display font sizes consistent with the theme
V.1.3 – 21-07-2021
- Filter type: Range (slider & combo)
- Filter type: Color (swatches, customization & more)
- Hierarchical display for taxonomies
- New styling options for filters
- Edit visibility & labels of filter options
- Edit Search box placeholder copy
- Customized CSS scope should not apply to selectors starting with .filterwp
V.1.2 – 27-05-2021
- Metabox Compatibility.
- Module type (Custom Code HTML/PHP), to display custom content in the sidebar/top bar.
- Gutenberg Block for FilterWP.
- Filter Delay option
- Browser Caching
- Admin UI: Display Module ‘type’ in the sidebar/top bar for modules, that has blank labels.
- Fixed: Meta values for non-published posts will not display in the filter’s options lists.
V.1.1.5 – 13-05-2021
- FilterWP can now use default page query in case of Archive pages.
- Language: Added the Portuguese language.
Oxygen Addon V.1.2 – 13-05-2021
- FilterWP can now use default page query in case of Archive pages.
- Language: Added the Portuguese language.
V.1.1.4 – 10-05-2021
- Human readable URLs
- Better loading indicator
- Editable ‘No results found’ message, supports HTML
- Sorter: Editable default label
- Mobile button labels are now editable
- Fixed: Translations not working
- Fixed: PHP warning about WPDB prepare
- Fixed: Flash of un-styled content
- Fixed: Special characters in the options lists breaking filters
- Fixed: Spaces before taxonomy names breaking filters
- Fixed: Error on activation; specific to php7.2
- Fixed: CSS Scope for Custom CSS
Oxygen Addon V.1.1 – 10-05-2021
- Fixed: PHP warning about WPDB prepare
V.1.1.3 – 01-05-2021
- JSON input for WP Query parameters.
- Filter Logic enhancement
- Filtering out blank meta values from the filter’s options list
- Fixed: Pressing Enter key in the FilterWP editor reloads the page.
- The WooCommerce default card’s ‘add to cart’ button now adds to cart.
- Fixed: Gutenberg error on FilterWP shortcode save.
V.1.1.2 – 29-04-2021
- Ajax mode now fetches only the updated HTML
- Removed plugin directory version postfix
- ACF array fields support
- Filter logic made abstract in the UI
- Empty taxonomy terms hidden from the filter lists
- Disabled scroll to top on Ajax update
- Hover state fix for touch devices
V.1.1.1 – 25-04-2021
- Custom cards duplication process
- Hover state fix for touch devices
V.1.1.0 – 25-04-2021
- UI modules were showing disabled
- Mobile trigger center aligned
V.1.0 – 25-04-2021
- Product Launch 🎉